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Friday, July 20, 2012

Do You Ever Yell?

Yelling: The Cause, The Casualty, The Cure
Read all the way to the bottom to find out how you can get a FREE copy!

From Will I Ever Get This Right? posted November 16, 2011 

“You guys! Stop that!”

Unfortunately this was me, sounding just like I do not want my children to sound.

Raised voice, sarcasm and sharpness have been too frequent here lately. Life seems to have gotten the better of me and I find myself short of patience - grumpy, stressed and a bad example. 

I have grown and it happens less often, but I need a refresher on occasion. Yelling: The Cause, The Causalty, The Cure by Lorrie Flem came at such a time.

Slowing down to read Lorrie’s ebook I was reminded of many things I know, but forgot, like:

  • The difference prayer makes. – How can I forget my greatest resource? 
  • Taking time to train my children. – They are children. They don’t know everything even when they try to tell me otherwise! 
  • Prepare for our life – as it is – not as I want it. Being prepared and realistic saves so much stress, thus reducing the tendency to yell. 
  • Give myself grace. I’m a work in progress, just like my children. I will mess up. I will try again. 
I liked this specific, practical idea as well:
  • Schedule a funny movie. – I’m not very good at fun. I need to lighten up. 
If things are less pleasant than you would like in your home right now pick up a copy of Lorrie’s book for some good reminders. She included a great list of verses on prayer and forgiveness, too.

I'm off with a new commitment to bathe myself, my children, and my day in prayer. I will never get it right, but I m loved by the One who already has.

I can't say I've made as much progress as I would like since November... A good reminder of how important it is to keep the new way of thinking in front of us to change the thinking we already have. 

Lorrie Flem is making some changes to her resources and Yelling: The Cause, The Casualty, The Cure is the first to be published as an ebook.

Great news for you - it's free. That's right you can get a free Kindle copy of Lorrie's ebook, Yelling: The Cause, The Casualty, The Cure. Follow this link on July 24th. It's free July 24th only! Also on the 24th there will be a facebook party with Lorrie and the Gabby Moms. Come say "Hi" or ask questions.

Of course you can visit Eternal Encouragement anytime for great resources.

Be sure to get your FREE Kindle copy of Yelling: The Cause, The Casualty, The Cure on July 24th!

As a Gabby Mom I recieved a free digital copy for my honest review.