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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Will be Hated, but Jesus Calls Us Friends

Pastor Phil
October 30, 2011
John 15:14-16:4
Jesus calls us friends in verses 14, 15

The world will hate us. Why? 
15:18-16:4 uses the word hate several times
word means: intense or passionate dislike
v 18 because the world hated Jesus. Having a Lord challenges the worlds pride, ideas, traditions. Asks the question who is number 1? Me or God?
v 19,20 because we are chosen and set apart. Believers stand out, they don’t go along with the world
v 21-23 because the world does not know Jesus, so it does not know God the Father either. I think this is key in looking at other faiths. Jesus clearly says that if they worship “God” but do not acknowledge him they do not really know the God of the Bible. Even the Jews who worship the God of the Bible do not really know him if they missed Jesus as Messiah.
You can often talk about God, Jesus is far more offensive to the world.

Jesus explained the hatred the world would have for us so that we could be prepared, not discouraged.

v 26,27 truth comes from God and we are called to testify to that truth
Being warned of danger or hard things allows us to prepare. Think of storm warnings, the purpose isn’t so everyone can be scared and miserable that a storm is coming. The purpose is so you can be prepared for yourself, your family, maybe even strangers. You can have peace if you have food, water, and a safe place. You can even share that peace with others.

Jesus warning of hardships is to prepare us in the same way. We know it is coming. We can be ready and have peace and resources to share with others.
We can’t walk away from God when it’s hard because there is nowhere else to go.

Christian and Christianity face challenges in the United State, mainly in free speech and discrimination.

Around the world Christians face far more.

www.persecution.com run by Voice of the Martyrs has much quality and disturbing information. It's sometimes hard to learn about because how can we know of others suffering and do nothing? We must all do something they are our body, our brothers and sisters.

So what can we do?
1.       Pray for strength for those being persecuted2.       Ask “Am I willing to be Jesus disciple?”3.       Be grounded in God, his word and his body.

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